Is Cetaphil good for your skin?

Cetaphil is one of the most frequently recommended skin cleanser by Dermatologists, plastic surgeons and sometimes estheticians. Lets take a closer look into this product.  Is this product truly is the best choice for sensitive skin? What does it contain to qualify in sensitive skincare category?

Before we go in any deeper, I would like to make a clear statement: I am not trying to "trash" another company's product. This article was written purely for educational purpose. Even though this company is not hiding their ingredient list, not many people know what this product contains. The sad reality is, that people don't read ingredients, or are not aware what they mean.

Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser contains just eight ingredients: water, cetyl alcoholpropylene glycolsodium lauryl sulfate, stearyl alcohol, methylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben. Only water on this ingredient list is non toxic and was not chemically produced in the laboratory. 

Besides the waxy stearyl alcohol, foaming agent sodium lauryl sulfate and three toxic parabens as preservatives, there are no ingredients that are actually beneficial for the skin. Parabens are carcinogenic, meaning they can transform healthy cells into cancer cells. Parabens are also known to mimic or interfere with estrogen in the body, and is one of the primary influences on the development of breast cancer. 

It is important to know that chemicals in skin care products can penetrate your skin, that is how they were found in cancerous tissues, and when washed off your body, goes down the drain and ends up in the water reservoirs, oceans, rivers and soil.

It is packaged in plastic, which adds more toxicity to the product. Plastic bottles take from 450 to 1000 years to decompose. 

I will leave up to you to decide if this or any other product containing toxic chemicals are good for you, your children, your clients and for our mother earth. 

