What is energy?

Everything in the world has energy and our bodies are no exception to this. Each part of our bodies has an energetic field, including our organs and tissues. Similarly, emotions, experiences, traumas, interactions, and more all carry energy. 

Those energies can interact with the energy in our bodies in specific ways. Energy may become trapped and create an imbalance within us. The impacts of these imbalances can affect us in a variety of ways. They may lead to physical discomfort or emotional turmoil. Energy healing seeks to identify energetic imbalances or blockages and remove them. By removing these energies, the body is then able to better heal itself! 

The Emotion Code 

This modality is a tool to help enable people to get rid of their emotional baggage. The technique works to identify and release trapped emotions, which are harmful emotional energies from negative past events or inherited through generations. 

In the same way that you can inherit your eye color from your father, or the shape of your nose from your mother, you can also inherit trapped emotions from your biological parents, received at the moment of conception. 

Trapped emotions can cause a variety of physical and emotional issues. They can block people from feeling love and happiness and can make them feel disconnected from others. Because trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they exert an influence on the body’s tissues and can cause physical discomfort. Releasing trapped emotions makes conditions right for the body to heal itself physically, and emotional difficulties often disappear or become much easier to handle.

The Body Code

It is a form of energy healing called the Body Code, which deals with balancing the body in these different aspects – emotional, energetic, nutritional, structural, pathogens and toxicity. The Body Code is a sophisticated and complete method of body balancing. Anything that is imbalanced in the body is able to be identified and corrected. This technique is not meant to replace any medical treatment, but by correcting underlying imbalances, will help the body’s innate self-healing ability to take over. As a result, discomfort and malfunction in the body often disappear, the organs function as they should, nutrients are absorbed properly, energy levels are raised, and emotional issues become manageable or nonexistent.

Diana’s Experience:

Time heals all wounds?
Perhaps not.

Invisible energies of old, usually negative emotions are wounds that time alone cannot and will not heal. These trapped emotions can influence the way you act and feel in all relationships: romantic, marriage, family, work...It affects how you react to everyday life situations. It even affects your ability to be successful and receive money. It can also create physical pain and contribute to illness. 

It might seem that your emotional reactions are automatic, and that you have little to no control over them. It may feel like your emotions are in control of what happens to you, and your life. I know that feeling very well. I used to sabotage myself in many of my life situations. 

Everything in the universe is made of energy, some things are visible to us and some things are not. Even though we are not able to see emotions, we all have felt them. Most people felt a wide range of emotions, such as love, anger, frustration, grief, sadness...Every single emotion vibrates at their specific frequency. These frequencies mirror the same energies and attract them to us. That explains how we keep meeting different people with similar personality traits, and how we keep experiencing the same problems over and over. 

But what if we could release these emotions trapped in our bodies and live the lives that we desire? The answer is YES, we can. Dr. Bradley Nelson created an incredible modality, a way to communicate with the subconscious mind through muscle testing, and release these traumas.
Does it sound mystical? The truth is, we don't have to see it in order for it to work. We don't see radio waves or electricity, but we have no doubt that it is there and it's doing its job. 

For over 30 years of my life I have been healing myself from emotional and physical traumas that I experienced in my childhood and as a young adult. Somehow, I knew that life can be different, and full of love. I used all different modalities that I would come across: reiki, guided meditations, angel meditations, prayer, spontaneous writing, intentions, and other energy sessions. I have come a long way from where I started. It was a slow process. But once I started using The Emotion Code I healed more in a half a year then I did in over 30 years! The more trapped emotions and traumas I released, the more free I was to decide how I wanted to feel and to react. 

In my practice, I have not met one person that would not have trapped emotions. Some things were vibrant in their memory, while some were a mystery how it got there. The truth is that emotions can be inherited. Yes, just like the color of your eyes, you may take on some generational emotional baggage.  

And as energy does not know the barrier of the distance, you can receive these sessions over the phone with the same success as in person. In person sessions are available in Santa Monica, CA

Single session 60 min $240