Aloe Vera Benefits for the Skin

What are the benefits of Aloe Vera for the skin? Can it be helpful with acne conditions, skin dryness, aging? How does it work? Can it help to heal burns and cuts?

Aloe Vera have myriad of benefits when it is used internally. Soothes stomach, helps digestion, prevents cell aging, have anti-inflammatory properties as well as about 75 different nutrients including vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Now how about external uses and benefits? The benefits are endless! Aloe Vera is one of the natures miracle plants. Research shows there are 5 naturally occurring anti-inflammatory agents that exist in the plant along the growth factor. Aloe Vera is helpful with skin conditions like:

  • acne-anti-inflammatory, stimulates new cell grow, helps skin to heal faster with minimum scaring, it has at least six natural antiseptics, which are able to kill bacteria;

  • sensitivity-anti-inflammatory, soothing, helps with skin’s flakiness;

  • dryness,psoriasis,eczema – acts as a natural moisturizer;

  • cell aging-improves skin’s elasticity and firmness, contains antioxidant like Beta Carotene, Vitamin C and E;

  • sunburns-provides powerful healing activity of the skin. It acts as a protective layer on the skin and helps replenish its moisture;

  • it is believed that it helps to prevent skin cancer.

Aloe Vera is able to penetrate the deepest layers of the skin, even 7 layers deep, when water can only go 2 layers deep. Keeping the factor of penetration in mind, just imagine how effective the skin care product becomes with ingredient like that. Also, it promotes other ingredient efficiency by bringing them into the skin together.

Skin care products with Aloe Vera are extremely beneficial for someone who is receiving or previously had chemotherapy treatments or radiation to treat cancer. I heard time and time again from my clients, how much more comfortable and smoother their skin felt after they started using cleanser, toner, mask and moisturizer with Aloe Vera.

If you will be using Aloe Vera Gel straight from the raw plant, make sure to only use the inside of it and discharge the outside leaf, as it may be cause skin irritation.

Here are some of my favorite recipes of simple and beneficial products that I you can make at home:

  • Hair mask to help dry scalp and promote hair growth. In your blender (I use Vitamix) add Aloe Vera leaf inside gel, Argan Oil (or other good quality oil), essential oils of lavender, Rosemary and Geranium and blend well. Apply generously on your scalp and hair, massage and leave for at least 30 minutes before washing. I leave it overnight. Keep refrigerated.

  • Facial mask. Aloe Vera leaf inside gel, Goji Berries, Chia Seeds, Organic Sulfur and Argan Oil. Soak Chia seeds in a little bit of water until it gels up (about 10-15 min) add all ingredients into blender and blend well. Apply on the clean skin, keep for about 30 minutes, wash off. If you got any left overs, keep refrigerated.

  • Stomach soothing drink. 1oz of Aloe Vera Concentrate (or Aloe Vera Juice), half Lemon Juice, 1 tablespoon of Raw Organic Honey. Mix it all well and drink on empty stomach.